Events and Competitions for 2025
Wealden Model Aircraft Society holds events for club members and also encourages families and friends to participate in BBQ’s and events at the flying field. Our calendar so far…
SE Area Indoor Flying Competition and Fun fly will take place on February 23rd at the Triangle Center at Burgess Hill and is well worth a visit (
- It’s a free-flight event – and some of the models have to be seen to be believed!
- Click here for details
Horam Swap Meet will be held on March 16th 2025 from 9am to mid-day at Horam Village Hall, Horam, East Sussex TN21 0JE. What3Words self.planting.brave
- Doors open to sellers at 8am
- Table and one seller fee is £8
- To book your table please contact Robert Richardson
- Door open to all from 9am – admission £3
- Refreshment – include tea, coffee and our famous Bacon Butties.
At our Club meeting on 7th January we discussed a Simple Winter Project. You’re invited to construct a catapult launch glider to the following spec…
- Wingspan limited to 18 inches
- Its overall cost should be no more than £10
- And be of your own design
The club will provide the hand-held catapult launcher (no bungees or aero-tow) and the model with the longest flight duration will be the winner!